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百个党史微故事89 | 学生党员刘杰为您推荐《“谁还记得这杆枪”》
发布时间:2021-06-18     作者:   分享到:











“Who Remembers This Gun?”



A live-fire assessment made the recruits of the “Huangcaoling Hero Company”, a synthetic brigade of the 72nd Army, feel a little nervous.



The results of assessment were not satisfactory. The officers and soldiers thought that they would be greeted by a “storm”. Back to the company, however, the company commander led the recruits directly into the Horrors Room.



“Who remembers this gun?” The company commander’s words broke the long silence.



An old machine gun is displayed in the most prominent position of the Honors Room. This is a special cultural relic—used by Zhu Pike, who is a first-class meritorious official in the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.



The war has gone and the times have changed. The old machine gun is hanging in the Honors Room, shining with cold light. Its legend derives from the war more than 70 years ago.



“On October 25, 1950, our hero Zhu Pike used it to launch the first shot of the Huangcaoling battle. That day is designed as the anniversary of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea.”



It was the first war after Chinese People’s Volunteers (CPVs) entered North Korea. Under the enemy’s continuous bombing, the whole company fought bloody battles for three days and nights, repelling more than 20 enemy attacks.



As a machine gunner, Zhu Pike and his comrades were ordered to stick to the 796.5 position in Huangcaoling.



On that day, just after dawn, Zhu Pike, who had been holding his position as a guard, looked down the hill and found that more than a dozen enemies were climbing towards the top of the hill. When the enemy climbed only 30 meters away from our square, Zhu Pike fired the first shot.



With this gun, Zhu Pike destroyed more than 30 enemies, and the whole company wiped out more than 250 enemies. The company was awarded the honorary title of “Huangcaoling Hero Company” for its bravery and tenacity.



Ability depends on oneself, while honor depends on one’s ability. Thereafter, each training, the recruits are more diligent, hanging kettles on the barrel of the gun to practice arm strength, counting rice grains to practice concentration... Day by day, their training level has improved a great deal.

