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百个党史微故事66 | 教师党员张含华为您推荐《沈雁冰:矢志不渝坚守信仰》
发布时间:2021-05-27     作者:   分享到:











Shen Yanbing: Unswervingly stick to faith


After the May 4th Movement, Shen Yanbing (pseudonym Mao Dun) began to get in touch with Marxism. He made his acquaintance with Chen Duxiu and began to write articles for La Jeunesse. In 1920, he joined the early organization of the Communist Party in Shanghai and accomplished a lot of work.






In 1921, the Communist Party of China was formally established, members of early party organizations including Shen Yanbing became regular party members. At first, the party's work was in a secret state. Therefore, Shen Yanbing worked as a liaison officer directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China with the cover of his working environment – to carry out the communication and liaison work for the party, to undertake the teaching task in the school founded by the party, and to lead, participate in and report on the strike movement in Shanghai.



During the Great Revolution, Shen Yanbing was dispatched by the party organization and traveled around the country to meet the needs of the situation and the party's work. Depressed and hesitated, Shen Yanbing was determined to struggle for the cause of the party through writing, from which started his journey of literary creation. During his seclusion in Shanghai, he wrote his first novel Huanmie in the setting of the Great Revolution. After exiled to Japan in 1928, he wrote the novel Hong, which reposes his belief in the future of the revolution. Subsequently after he returned to Shanghai in 1930, Ziye was completed, which reflects the social reality of the 1930s. In the course of the Anti-Japanese War, he continued to create a large number of revolutionary literary works which exposed the reactionary nature of the Kuomintang and eulogize the people's Anti-Japanese struggle.



In 1981, on his sick bed with a weak body, Shen Yanbing dictated to his son a letter for the Central Committee to express his wish to restore his party membership. He signed on the letter personally. On March 27, the literary superstar passed away. On March 31, the Central Committee made a decision to "restore Shen Yanbing’s membership of the Communist Party of China with his party standing being counted from 1921".



It is Shen Yanbing’s lifelong pursuit of ideals and beliefs that demonstrated firmness and persistence.